Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Finally another blank spot I can fill in here! I have to thank the German collector Chris Heise for this amazing find. Chris found the shirt on a German classified ads homepage for more than reasonable 10€ including shipping and decided to get it for me as a little gift as he knew that I was still missing Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Things turned out to be even better when Chris got the shirt. He found out that the shirt seems to be match issued and thus contacted the seller again and asked him where he bought the shirt. He said that his friend is a Bosnian national team and gave it to him as a gift.
So after all this seems to be a match issued shirt that cost 10€ and came to me even for free.

The shirt itself is pretty plain. The newer, 2014, shirts look much better.  However, I quite like the Bosnian logo with the country and the flag being both part of it.

Thanks again Chris for your amazing help in my mission here!

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