%2C%2BWC%2B1974%2Bin%2BMunich%2C%2BGermany.jpg) |
Haiti vs. Italy (1:3) | WC 1974 in Germany |
Haiti pre-1974 World Cup preparations |
So here is my piece of Haitian football history :) I got this on ebay for
16,25 € + 4 € postage. The seller told me that he got the shirt of the team during the World Cup in 1974. He just worked in the hotel where the team stayed during their first (and last till now) World Cup. The FA did not have a logo and so just used a football as a crest as you can see in the above picture. Probably it is a tranings shirt and not a match shirt, but of course I do not know this. It is impossible to find picture of the 1973 Haiti team who wore this shirt.
I am quite sure that the shirt is authentic and not a remake as the label says made in WESTERN Germany, it has 40% cotton and it feels like the 70s. I really like this shirt, even it is looks quite unspectacular.
That's proper vintage! It's as old as my big brother... and that's old :D