Sapmi during VIVA World Cup 2005 in Sapmi |
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you the most amazing, colourful and good looking shirt in my collection for now ! A big thanks goes to the Swedish (and Sápmi) referee Per-Anders Blind who somehow managed to get this shirt for me ! He works as a referee for the Swedish FA and for the NF-Board and thus led some games of the VIVA World Cup 2012 in Kurdistan, too. He did not have a shirt of the Sápmi anyways but he promised to do his best to get one for me and here it is ! After a couple of weeks he was amazingly able to get one of the original shirts of the Sápmi team and send it to me.
As I already said I simply love this design. It is even smarter and more colourful than the Swazi design I have. And look how cool it looks when the whole Sápmi team wears it.
Please do not annoy Mr Blind now as he is not able to get hold of loads of those shirt for you all !
I have this shirt too, mine was from the Saami F.A who have strangely vanished from cyper spacenow!!!
AntwortenLöschenAbsolute beast of a shirt!!
AntwortenLöschenhi i'm from Sápmi and i really wanna show my loyalty to the culture and the team, but i can't find a shirt. where can i buy one?