Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

British Virgin Islands

British Virgin Islands vs. Turks Caicos Islands | female U20 in 2010
Again thanks go to my mate Nick. He somehow sorted out a couple of those amazing BVI shirts. I am trying to get one from a player for ages but somehow it never worked. Once I had no money, once he has not been on the Islands and so on. Anyways, I am in a good contact with Jevone Demming and even had a phone call with him. He is a really cool guy and I am sure some sunny day I will be able to sort out another shirt from him :D
Anyways, this one is just perfect. It is a really simple design, but it is probably one of the rarest shirt out there (has ever anybody got one instead of Nick ?)
Just to post some alternative pictures again I will share a private picture of Jevone with you. Unfortunately he is not wearing the shirt on this pic, but instead he wears a track suit of the same design. Besides the pictures shows why the shirt is thaaat huge ;)
If you ever read this mate, keep going !

1 Kommentar:

  1. Nice! I have the green and yellow version of this one. I really like the design of both shirts :-)
